Friday, June 26, 2009

Pond Scum

The pond was emptied of its contents yesterday morning. This included two small Koi fish, bulls' tongue, cattails, yellow irises, penny wort, umbrella plants, water lilies, parrot's feather, lizard's tail, water hyacinths, mosquito fish, pumps, submersible lights and a quarter ton of algae. The pond liner was scrubbed free of algae. It took about 4 hours of labor. Then, the plants were divided and re-potted. There's a "mini" lily variety that has never bloomed, so I'm considering selling or trading it in our neighborhood's block garage sale. I trimmed off all the growth to teach it a lesson.

Here's a sample of what's going on in the pond.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

San Diego County Fair 2009

The theme for this year's San Diego County Fair is "Music Mania".

After getting a fill of my first fried Twinkie (didn't they used to come packed in pairs?! No?!), Zucchini Weeni (VERY GOOD!!!), pizza (bleh) and a chocolate-dipped ice-cream cone the night before, I went back the next day and took a few pictures in the garden area. There were plenty of creative plant arrangements to keep your eyes busy for hours.

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