Monday, May 10, 2010

Epiphyllum: Dream Maker

Finally, after 4 years of growth, this epiphyllum blooms. Uh, yeah, the plant requires more sunlight for the flowers to make an appearance. I lost the hybrid name of this plant since the original cutting shrivelled up along with the inked-in description. So, I had to wait for a bloom to give me a hint. The hybrid's name is "Dream Maker" and makes a very large, pink flower.

This wouldn't be possible without the San Diego Epiphyllum Society's yearly sale. At the sale yesterday, I bought other hybrids like "Morocco", "Pegasus", "French Gold", "Clown" and "Siegfried". But, this time, I went with potted plants rather than cuttings.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010


Planted in mid-January, the dahlias are starting to bloom in the front courtyard. They were in a mixed bag, so I didn't know what to expect.

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