Saturday, November 28, 2009

Santa Ysabel Open Space Preserve

The planned two hour hike at Santa Ysabel Open Space Preserve took more than 3 hours, instead. There was a loop on the trail that showed that the parking lot was deceptively close. If it weren't for a hidden ravine, the hike would have been shorter.
The live oak trees spread out and grow to a large size.
This Platanus occidentalis is very similar to Platanus racemosa. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless someone pointed it out to me. I just had to go with the sign posted nearby.
The park is located just northwest of where the massive 2003 Ceder Fire took place. There is a mix of untouched and burned areas. This old pine tree left an interesting black tower.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last Night's Neighborhood Halloween

There's usually a good turn-out for Halloween in the neighborhood, but I still have a lot of candy left over. The kids enjoyed the artificial fog, ghost illusions, papier mache props and...uh....actors. The Chicken Lady showed up with her chickens and promised to drop off some blue eggs for an omlette.

Click on the slide show if you'd like to view larger images.