Sunday, August 9, 2009

CityFest 2009

The community of Hillcrest had its Cityfest street fair today. After Mahi tacos and a few Tecate beers at Baja Betty's, I walked over to the fair. For some reason there were linens to buy at several of the booths this year. I settled for a 600 count Egyptian cotton set for $20.
These wine bottle holders were so colorful. At a different crafts display someone was waving a "NO PHOTOS" sign at me, so I guess I won't be showing them here!
I don't know much about "The Fellowship of the Surf Monkey", but these figurines sure are cute!
The locals and the sun were out in full force as usual. I'm glad that I managed to steer clear of the funnel cake booths!
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  1. Hi Joe! I am glad I found your blog, it is interesting and the pics are amazing. I need to make time to go back and read it all to see what you have been up to. Right now I'm just avoiding work ;) Can't hardly believe you're the same guy who sat on my face on the band bus all those many (sigh) years ago. I hope you are well.

  2. All is well in SD. I too have been waiting for the economy to pick up so that there will be jobs available for a simple scientist like myself. I hope I didn't break anything when I "sat on your face", although I must have only weight 95 lbs at the time...tee hee!

  3. Get thee to a Facebook account!

  4. Love that you put the surf monkey photo up.
    They're at our store Discover Nature in Seaport Village.
    So glad you think they're cute. Come down and see us sometime. We'll give you a deal, then you too can join the fellowship!:)
    BTW, surf monkey twitters and has a face book page.
    Also love the photo of the dam at mission gorge. Beautiful!
